Contact Information

Elastic FM
12a North Road
S43 4PF

01246 886497

About the Organisation - Elastic FM 

Elastic FM is a long-serving community project, with a 12-year trading history. To support our community, Elastic FM runs a mix of community events. These include:

  • An annual Community Awards programme
  • A community heroes programme
  • Christmas cheer – an event for the local elderly
  • Local business networking events
  • Working alongside schools to allow the children to express themselves through modern media
  • Ad hoc support for a variety of community projects

About the Project - Your Choices Matter 

The Your Choices Matter programme has been designed to adopt a 360-degree approach to support people in recovery from alcohol and substance abuse.  The name of the programme is highly pertinent.  The choices that all human beings make have consequences.  By ensuring a collection of more conscious and carefully deliberated decisions (each waken hour and day) people can find a more positive place in their personal and work life.

Working with a team that consists of: a qualified psychotherapist, a nutrition expert, a life coach, a fitness coach and a project leader, the Your Choices Matter programme will run a programme of events that allow people in recovery from alcohol and drugs to access support.

As well as delivering an immersive programme that considers physical and mental well-being, food nutrition, the importance of exercise and being more considered about one’s life goals and desires, we will also encourage participants to express themselves and articulate their challenges for the attention of other people in a similar situation.  This can take the shape of radio programmes, podcasts and short videos.

The programme has an initial assessment (personal discovery) aspect that gains status on the life challenges and aspirations of participants, allowing us to tailor the modules of the programme to support people where they most need it.  This will allow people to physically take part in sessions, but provide digital content (audio, video, articles) for those people who have become reliant on digital content.  

Some of the physical activities will take place at various venues around North East Derbyshire.  The more intellectual sessions and digital media elements will take place at our Clowne Studio on North Road. 

Social Media

Why not follow us on our social media pages:

Facebook - Elastic FM

Facebook - Your Choices Matter 

Twitter – Elastic FM

LinkedIn – Elastic FM

How To Access 

To access this project, you can contact them directly and join or you can make a referral to the project.  In either case, please use the contact information which can be found on the lefthand side of this page. 

Meet The Team in the Photo Gallery 

From left to right below:

  • David Lilley - Project Director
  • Louise Riley - Nutritional Advisor
  • Wendy Majhen - Psychotherapist 
  • Claire Cahill - Life Coach 

Podcast Episodes

Introduction - Elastic FM - Your Choices Matter Podcast – Introduction to Your Choices Matter programme

Episode 1 - Elastic FM - Your Choices Matter Podcast S1 E1 – The doctor said my life was in danger

Episode 2 - Elastic FM - Your Choices Matter Podcast – S1 E2 - The impact of addiction 

Episode 3 - Elastic FM - Your Choices Matter Podcast – S1 E3 - The story of my challenges with alcohol and cancer

Episode 4 - Elastic FM - Your Choices Matter Podcast – S1 E4 – This is the only method that has worked for me

Episode 5 - Elastic FM - Your Choices Matter Podcast – S1 E5 – A raw story about secret addiction and the road to redemption

Episode 6 - Elastic FM - Your Choices Matter Podcast – S1 E6 – How childhood trauma caused me life challenges (

Episode 7 - Elastic FM - Your Choices Matter Podcast – S1 E7 – I stopped drinking and transformed my life (

Episode 8 - Elastic FM - Your Choices Matter Podcast – S1 E8 – There are some fights you need to walk away from (

If you need more information please email us


Where We Are