Our Aims

  • To provide a one stop online place for information about drug and alcohol recovery services in Derbyshire.
  • To provide service users, health professionals and other interested people with a simple and easy way to find recovery from substance use and other support services information available in Derbyshire.
  • To provide valuable and useful information to all website visitors.
  • To showcase a positive picture of life in recovery from drug and alcohol use through the use of videos and real life stories.
  • To engage with target audiences and build a following via social media.

If you need more information please email us

Our Partners

If you need support, information or advice from drug and alcohol treatment services, contact Derbyshire Recovery Partnership on 0845 308 4010 or 0124 620 6514. Alternatively visit the website at www.derbyshirerecoverypartnership.co.uk

Our partners include Derbyshire NHS Trust, Phoenix Futires, Derbysire Advice Services and Intuitive Thinking Skills