My Passport To The Future

Posted on: 15 Jun 2017

Upon entering Addaction in Derbyshire at the age of 19 I was mentally, spiritually and physically broken. I had in-prisoned myself to a life like a scalextric track, doing the same thing day in day out to get my fix! I'd had enough and needed help??? I needed someone there to care, listen and help me through my struggles as I didn't know what to do any more. All I knew is that I'd had enough of using! I'd had enough of hurting myself and others, causing crime and being a menace to society.

Derbyshire Addaction were there to help and could see something in me that I couldn't. They didn't judge me and were here to HELP. They stopped me from being homeless, in debt and from losing my child. They have been my passport to a better future. It took me to the age of 25 to realise I had a problem and extensive care and support from Addaction helped me to battle through my addiction of drugs and alcohol. They helped me mentally and practically prepare for rehab and got they got me funding to go to one in Sheffield and supported me through the whole process.

Throughout my 10 month stay in rehab I learnt a lot about myself around behaviours, feelings, thoughts and emotions, working, coming together as a tight unit with others and I joined a circuit class to get my physical fitness back. The 10 month rehab programme was tough but well worth it.

Today I volunteer at Derbyshire Addaction, help out at AGE UK and I go to Mutual Aid groups regularly to keep my recovery in check. I've gained lots of skills and experiences from volunteering with Addaction and it???s great to give something back to my community. I'm now a Qualified Gym Instructor and plan on doing my level 3 Personal Trainer Course, I do Strongman training every Saturday and recently did my first Strongman competition; I've gone from no squat to a 110kg squat!!

The most important thing for me today is that I can and will be a dad to my amazing son and also that I have a FUTURE. Everyone who battles with addiction needs to get into recovery as this new found drug for me is free and far better than anything I've ever took!!

Thank you Addaction for believing in me and for seeing something in me that I couldn't.

Anonymous - Derbyshire


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