01283 219761
About the Organisation - South Derbyshire CVS
We are a local charity working to improve the quality of life for people in South Derbyshire. We do this by providing services to individuals in need as well as supporting voluntary groups and communities.
About the Project - Future Focus
Future Focus is designed to provide recovering individuals from across the whole of South Derbyshire, with opportunities to secure AIM accredited/assured qualifications to support their confidence and self-esteem.
Future Focus is a six-week training and support programme, offering a range of flexible, modular courses, which will be delivered in three different community venues and on three separate occasions across the year.
There are three core modules covering: personal emotional resilience, developing independent skills and making choices. The other 3 modules will be chosen with the groups need in mind but could focus on hobbies and interests, knowing the local community and environmental issues.
To enable the widest opportunity to access Future Focus, it will be delivered in Swadlincote, Hilton and Melbourne, three geographically different parts of South Derbyshire.
Participants have the opportunity to learn about the Time Swap service which can provide short term, bespoke volunteering opportunities in or near to where participants live.
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How To Access
To access this project, you can contact them directly and join or you can make a referral to the project. In either case, please use the contact information which can be found on the lefthand side of this page.